Excel Institute

Nr. Amrit Hotel,
Ahmedabad - Mehsana Highway,
At. Ola, Po. Isand,
Ta. Kalol,
Dist. Gandhinagar-382721.

Email: info@excelkalol.com
Mobile No: 769 811 6878
Mobile No: 909 906 3213

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  • 21-07-2019 - Academic Term for 1st Semester
  • 27-06-2019 - Academic Term for 3th & 5th Sem

Welcome to Excel College


established in Kalol North Gujarat in Year 2008, and since then the institute is continuously developing and emerging as one of the best engineering institutions in Gujarat State. The college is affiliated with Gujarat Technological University and is approved by All India Council for Technical Education. The college aims at imparting high quality excellent education in Engineering and Technology to all categories of students. The college aims at imparting high quality excellent education in Engineering and Technology to all categories of students.

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Nr. Amrit Hotel, Ahmedabad - Mehsana Highway, At. Ola, Po. Isand,Ta. Kalol,
Dist. Gandhinagar-382721.
Mobile No.: +91-7698116878
Mobile No.: +91-9099063213
Email: info@excelkalol.com

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